Advances in Econometrics, Volume 38: Regression Discontinuity Designs: Theory and Applications
Editors: Matias D. Cattaneo (U Michigan), Juan-Carlos Escanciano (Indiana U)
DOI 10.1108/S0731-9053201738
Publication date 2017-05-13
Series copyright holder: Emerald Publishing Limited
ISBN 978-1-78714-390-6
eISBN 978-1-78714-389-0
Book series ISSN 0731-9053
Introduction, Matias D. Cattaneo, and Juan Carlos Escanciano
On Interpreting the Regression Discontinuity Design as a Local Experiment, Jasjeet S. Sekhon, Rocío Titiunik.
Identification and Estimation Using a Density Discontinuity Approach, Hugo Jales, Zhengfei Yu.
The Deterrence Effect of Prison: Dynamic Theory and Evidence, David S. Lee, Justin McCrary.
An Overview of Geographically Discontinuous Treatment Assignments with an Application to Children's Health
Insurance, Luke Keele, Scott Lorch, Molly Passarella, Dylan Small, Rocío Titiunik.
External and Internal Validity of a Geographic Quasi-Experiment Embedded in a Cluster-Randomized Experiment, Sebastian
Galiani, Patrick J. McEwan, Brian Quistorff.;
The Comparative Regression Discontinuity (CRD) Design: An Overview and
Demonstration of its Performance Relative to Basic RD and the Randomized Experiment, Yang Tang, Thomas D. Cook, Yasemin
Kisbu-Sakarya, Heinrich Hock, Hanley Chiang.
Party Bias in Union Representation Elections: Testing for Manipulation
in the Regression Discontinuity Design when the Running Variable is Discrete, Brigham R. Frandsen.
Testing Stability of Regression Discontinuity Models, Giovanni Cerulli, Yingying Dong, Arthur Lewbel, Alexander Poulsen.
Regression Kink Design: Theory and Practice, David Card, David S. Lee, Zhuan Pei, Andrea Weber.
Regression Discontinuity Designs with Clustered Data, Otávio Bartalotti, Quentin Brummet.
Bootstrap Confidence Intervals for Sharp Regression Discontinuity
Designs, Otávio Bartalotti, Gray Calhoun, Yang He.
The Devil is in the Tails: Regression Discontinuity Design with Measurement Error in the
Assignment Variable, Zhuan Pei, Yi Shen.